Saturday, October 24, 2009

rim your nails and then

rim your nails and then apply a thin and even base coat.
se a tip guide on your nail, which covers the lower part of your nail.
ly white polish to the exposed tips of your fingernails, and let them dry.
er a few minutes, remove the nail tip guides and apply two coats of beige polish.
ensure that your French manicure lasts, apply a layer of topcoat on your nails every alternate day.

For a relaxing manicure that regenerates and nourishes your skin and moisturizes your hands and fingers, follow these few simple steps.

ak your hands in lukewarm water with salts and flower petals.
le and buff your nails. Clean your cuticles with cuticle oil to smoothens the tips.
se a cleansing lotion to residues and wrap the hands in a towel.
se a scrub on your hands to massage them for a few minutes.
pply a hand pack followed by a massage cream.
ash your hands then apply nail polish using a base coat first followed by two coa

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